Monday, August 15, 2011

another day in the dumps.

Charles' day was going along just like any other.
He woke up, walked his dog, had a protein shake, showered, got dressed, kissed his wife goodbye and left for work.Nothing out of the ordinary. It wasn't until after he gave his hello's and how-are-you's to fellow co-workers, got to his oak wood desk, sat down and opened his first e-mail that Charles started to feel strange. His stomach gurgled in a painful kind of way. He wasn't hungry, so he figured it was unimportant and ignored it.
Then, the pain came again and his stomach turned in an awful kind of way. It was like a fist grabbed the inside of him and twisted a handful of guts and muscle.  The sharp instant pain was new to Charles, so he inhaled a surprised breath then groaned.. Charles put his hand to his stomach as if it would calm the agony growing in his belly.
The phone rang, but the constant wailing rings were nothing compared to the constant painful churns of his stomach. It was when Charles fell out of his chair in an attempt to call for help that he thought he might die. Pain like this couldn't be for the living, he thought. Charles' nose started to bleed and he gave a little cry, trying to yell for help. However, Charles had a very nice office with very nice doors that he special ordered so that when his very nice looking mistress came to bring him lunch, they could have sex in peace, without notice.
Charles cried again, the pain intensifying even more. The blood from his nose had stopped flowing, but dried on his face, crusting itself onto the pores of his skin.
Now, if you could imagine just for a moment what it would feel like to get stabbed in the stomach by a thousand needles, then having to live in the climax of that pain without any relief or break from it, you might be able to imagine what was happening to Charles.
He feebly curled into the fetal position, praying for the first time in his life.
Dear God, please help me! I can't stand this-Ahhhh! Oh--Oh--oh!!  I'll spend more time at home! I'll give my wife the children she wants! Just please-oww--pl--uhhh-PLEASE! Make this stop. I won't cheat! I'll go to chur--   Then silence.

The stillness before a painful climactic end. Charles' eyes bulged and his mouth dropped.

Just as he was going to pledge his life to Jesus and monogamy, a thunderous sound coming from his ass filled the room. Confused by the noise and gradual relief, Charles moaned the entire time. No more pain? Some moments later when the sound ended, Charles breathed in heavy, short gasps looking towards the lower half of his body.
Charles had painfully shit himself.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! That made me laugh out loud! He pooped so vigorously that he bled from his nose >.<
